Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Law of Attraction Money Mistake - Actions That Worsen Stagnation and Struggle

Sometimes when people find themselves in difficult circumstances their judgment becomes clouded, confusion sets in - and they end up doing things that just make the problems much worse. For example, have you ever been so overwhelmed by a problem that you didn't know what to do about it so you did nothing at all and let it snowball out of control? Or, have you ever panicked and taken hasty actions that you regretted later? When you operate from a mind-set of lack and struggle, you have little hope of turning things around because you are infusing the problems with the very same energy that created them in the first place. In order to make lasting changes you have to change the way you operate day to day, mentally, physically and emotionally.

Law of Attraction Think Rich Lesson: Operate from a State of Joy and Confidence

Just as there are actions that can worsen stagnation and struggle, there are actions that can get some strong, positive energy flowing through your life and begin turning everything around quickly and easily. Below are three powerful actions you can begin taking today:

1) Do what you love.

The more time you spend feeling GOOD, the more positive emotion you contribute to the creation of your life. This is true in relation to your financial situation, but also all other areas of your life.

Be sure to make a habit of doing the things you really LOVE to do each day. This can be everything from creative pursuits to reading inspiring books; spending quality time with friends and family, and making your own self-care a high priority. If it makes you feel light, happy, fulfilled and relaxed, do it as often as possible!

2) Open gateways for prosperity to enter your life.

Are you doing everything you can to help the universe send more money your way? Or are you disallowing abundance by refusing to take action? The universe can find many ways to boost your abundance, but it can do so much more easily if YOU take action to invite greater opportunities!

Possible action steps might include: applying for a better paying job, buying a lottery ticket, networking with successful people, sharing your talents and skills with the world, and anything else that will create an opening for abundance to enter your life.

Most importantly, do these things without attaching rigid expectations to them. Instead, allow the actions themselves to be fun and enjoyable. Do them because you enjoy doing them, without expecting them to pay off in any other way. When you do this, you are "allowing" lots of great things into your life - including money and abundance in many forms.3) Don't worry about the "how".

You may be so used to trying to figure everything out on our own that it can be hard to detach from wondering "how" abundance will come to you. Don't try to brainstorm money-making activities or focus obsessively on how to bring in more money.

Instead, let the universe work on your behalf. Decide how much money you'd like to have in the immediate future, and then ask the universe to lead you to the best opportunities for attracting it. Not only will you discover better opportunities than you could hunt down on your own, you'll probably enjoy them much more too!

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