Monday, May 18, 2009

Making the Connection

I want my life to be perfect - I don't want to have troubles; I don't want to have bad things happen; I don't want to have to face difficulties. But, the truth of the matter is: that is life. That's how it is. And I don't see it miraculously changing in the future.

However, in view of this, there is something I can change. I can change how I react to things. I can change how I view my present circumstances. I can choose to look at them with doom and gloom, or I can choose to listen for the word of God- His still, guiding voice in the mist of my turmoil. I can choose to believe that there is nothing too great in my life that He and I cannot get through together.

So, how do I begin to do this? I began by finding a quiet place where I can be alone with Him. A place away from the calamities and craziness of my life; a place where I can quiet my mind and be alone with Him. Sometimes this quiet place is in my closet. I simply turn on the closet light, shut the door, and sit with my back against the door, relishing the peace and quiet. Other times I sit outside on our patio- I prefer the time early in the morning, just when the sun is rising, the birds are singing, and there is a light dew on the grass. Other times, when I am not as fortunate to be able to choose one of my select locations, I will give myself a time out. No matter where I am, I sit down, calm my mind, and relax by breathing in and out- in and out- I keep doing this until I feel a calm come over me.

Mediation is more than just relaxing. It is giving yourself permission to let go of cares and worries and focus on filling your mind and body with the never-ending, unconditional love of our Creator. Sometimes it is not an easy task. I often find my minding drifting into morbid reflection of what I had done, or I become sad or troubled over things I have not yet done. God does not want this for us. What He wants for us is "To be still, and know I am God" (taken from Psalms).

Too many times we are too busy in our lives being parents, teachers, lawyers, doctors, farmers, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, etc.; that we forget that we need to be still, just for a moment, and allow God to direct what our next step will be.

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