Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Yoga and Weight Loss

As a yoga instructor, one of the most frequently asked questions I get is, "Can yoga help you lose weight?" The short answer is yes, for many reasons. Yoga goes along way in promoting a healthy weight loss. Yoga asana is excellent for burning calories while stretching, toning, and strengthening muscles but that is only one piece of the puzzle. We have to look at diet as well. What, how much, and even why we are eating is an important part of the "weight loss" picture. First, let's look at what we are eating. A diet high in fats and sugars will, not only pack on the pounds, but wreck havoc on the systems of the body. Mom was right, eat your fruits and veggies! If you want to feel your best, look your best, and be at your best... eat your best. Mother nature has a delicious bounty of whole foods to choose from, eat up! For optimal health, there's no better choice.

Next let's look at why and how much we are eating. Stress plays a huge role in overeating. It also determines how and where fat is stored in the body. Yoga asanas, breathing exercises, and meditation reduces stress and lowers cortisol levels which will aid in weight loss. Habitual eating can also be a problem. Eating mindlessly as if the auto pilot has been switched on without thinking or even tasting what we are putting in our mouths, that's habitual eating. Then there's emotional eating. Eating when we feel hurt, anger, or depression. Ever hear the expression, "It's not what you're eating but what's eating you," that's emotional eating. Yoga practice helps you to become mindful in the moment. You become connected to and aware of your body and emotions. You will learn to discerne true hungrer from habit and how to re-direct habitual and emotional eating toward effective methods of healing. When you are hungry, you'll make healthier choices, taste and enjoy your food better, and lose weight.

A yoga practice that includes dietary modifications, breathing techniques, and meditation can help you lose weight. Think of the process as a journey of transformation and self-discovery. It will take time and patience. These positive changes are sustainable, unlike those quick-fix fades that feed the cycles of bad habits and ill health. There is a fresh start, a new beginning in everyday. Don't get hung up on where you were or what you did five minutes ago. Don't waste time thinking about what you will do five minutes from now. In this moment, make the choice to be your best right here, right now. Be Well!

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